Saturday, September 25, 2010

Exciting moment

Last night we never accomplished the 600 mark although we made it through 709 hits tonight.  This is a major milestone.  We were able to take a defeating moment and make it a successful turn around.  I thank Jon Paul Garzonne for spreading the word tonight.  You have made this a moment special.  Also we delivered 3 new videos.  One of them containing Keith Hernandez and the other two about Petra Cruz.  Even though we aimed at releasing the video containing Denise, we felt we needed to work harder on the project.

If you believe we are ether doing to much, not focusing on the real goal or even over promising and under delivering, you couldn't be wronger.  The one thing I learned in business school is to entice the audience, always give more of yourself and keep the best for last.  Our main goal is the creation of dazkiss and the music produced by duskiss.  Since these projects are detail orientated, we are showing you things we can do in the interim.  I hope you don't believe we are buying time or stalling.  We just want to show the many talents we have learned throughout the course of time.

By the way Thank you for following.

Again PLEASE LINK YOURSELF AND ADD COMMENTS. We are here because you listen to us.

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