Saturday, July 2, 2016

The lonely road

It's been almost 5 years (as per RouteNote) since I ventured into music on my own [now this does not include the 2 years of photography and video of events].  In these years i've had my ups and i've had my downs.  As an independent artist, 521 Tracks in a catalog may seem like an achievement, but in the real's nothing more than a hobby-a junk draw of failed attempts to build a stable career.
I've been asked "What do you want?"  Are you doing this for Fame?  Are you doing this for Money? Are you doing this to live a dream?  Are you doing this to waist time?  What goals do you have in mind when you create a song and release a song?

To settle the endless people that refuse to pay attention to what I say and what they hear:  I am doing this because "I want to succeed in all the above".  I've never stated one answer over the other.

At one time, there was this playlist I created called "Save The Next Person".  It was an idea given to me by a business partner.  The focus of this 4 year old playlist was to generate enough money to save my home.  As a result, it too became a huge failure in it's own right.  I didn't have the knowhow to make it successful nor did I have the support needed for this playlist to gain traction.

Like most my attempts in music...A song is released, gains momentum, I hit a few minor charts and then the drop.  I've listened closely for feedback, but every person has something hypocritical to say or the direction they are giving will lead to the same dead end.

Five years later, I learned a lot about sound, about music and about those around me.  Sound is extremely diverse and unlike the naysayers sound can be intrepid differently person to person.  Music is extremely universal and diverse.  There isn't a right or wrong way to create a song.  There isn't a set of instructions that one must follow.  Some songs can be 30 seconds long while others can be over 20 minutes long.  I learned they are undependable and would rather help a total stranger than myself.

If this make me sound bitter, ungrateful, needy or like a quitter...  who gives a F*** what you think. In the end...I am the only one traveling this road.

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